(30 UNITS)
The Master of Science in Literacy and Reading Education includes courses in foundational reading, disciplinary literacy, literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment, sociocultural theory, clinical practice and literacy leadership. The program’s faculty believe that reading is a developmental, social and meaning-making process. Reading is embedded within the broader constructs of literacy, or “the ability to understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context.”[1} This includes affirming the multiple literacies that permeate students’ homes, schools and communities. The faculty adopt an approach that meaningfully integrates issues of social justice, diversity and inclusiveness.
Effective equity-minded specialized literacy professionals must have a thorough knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings and relevant pedagogies of literacy and learning. Literacy instruction involves making informed choices about the multitude of issues that impact curriculum and assessment, and a deep analysis and evaluation of the strengths and needs of students’ diverse intersecting identities.
The M.S. in Literacy and Reading Education focuses on the need to think critically and creatively and consider possible alternatives so that candidates are prepared to become advocates for their students, families and their communities.
[1] ILA Standards 2017