Bachelor of Science in Health Science
(120 UNITS)
The Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science prepares students for careers as health educators, as well as for those who seek quality preparation for advanced study. Through required and elective coursework, students must complete a focus area in health promotion and disease prevention, environmental and occupational health, or global health. The competency-based degree program prepares students for certification as health education specialists and for careers in community health, worksite health promotion, occupational health and safety and/or environmental health.
The degree requires 49 units in the major, all of which must be completed with a “C” (2.0) or better, and must be taken on an Option 1 (letter grade) basis
Prerequisite Requirements (16 units)
Introductory Biology (3 units)
Introductory Chemistry (3 units)
Introductory Social Science (3 units)
Introductory Oral Communications (3 units)
Anatomy and Physiology (3 units)
May be combined/integrated anatomy and physiology or separate courses.
Core Requirements (25 units)
Advising Tracks (21 units)
In addition to the core requirements that all health science majors must complete, students are required to select one of the three advising tracks to successfully complete the requirements of the degree.