Mar 14, 2025  
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Teaching Science, M.A.T.-S

(30 UNITS)

The primary objectives of the Master of Arts in Teaching Science are to: provide advanced coursework in science curriculum designs appropriate to the professional responsibilities of science educators; provide research and seminar opportunities in contemporary issues in science education; and enable teachers to become more proficient in science disciplines appropriate to their academic teaching assignments. A secondary track and elementary track are available.

Remaining coursework is selected from the departments of Biological Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Geological Sciences, Physics or Science Education and other departments as appropriate. Fifteen units of work are required from the Science Education Program. The graduate work culminates with the student completing a project or thesis in an area of science education that is applicable to the student’s teaching. Faculty from the program and other departments form the committee that guides and evaluates each graduate student.

Admission Requirements

University requirements include a baccalaureate from an accredited institution and a grade-point average of at least 2.5 in the last 60 semester units attempted (see section of this catalog on Graduate Admissions  for complete statement and procedures). In addition to the university requirements for admission, acceptance in the MAT-S program is contingent upon canidates meeting the following criteria.

  1. Candidates must apply to the university through, as well as submit the “Application for Admission to the MAT-S Degree Program” to the Science Education Programs Office. The application is available from the Science Education Programs Office at 657-278-2307, MH-527, The Science Education Program application for the MAT-S must include:
    1. two signed letters of recommendation;
    2. a personal resume;
    3. documentation of a teaching credential; and
    4. a Statement of Purpose - one to two pages with information about the candidate’s science area of interest.
  2. A teaching credential is normally required for classified standing. In special circumstances, a MAT-S faculty adviser may agree to work with a student who has not completed a teaching credential program. For example, an applicant who teaches in a private school or works in a museum may complete the MAT-S without a teaching credential. In these cases, a MAT-S faculty adviser will write a letter waiving the credential requirement for classified standing.
  3. Candidates must complete coursework equivalent to a baccalaureate degree in one of the sciences. (For the elementary track, the baccalaureate degree is not normally in the sciences, but the application must provide evidence of in-depth work within the sciences beyond the minimum requirements for a multiple subject teaching credential.)
  4. Candidates must receive acceptance by a faculty project/thesis adviser.
  5. The admission decision will be made only after the application file is complete.

Application Deadlines

The deadline for completing online applications is March 1 for the fall semester. (see Mailed applications need to be postmarked by the same deadline. However, deadlines may be changed based upon enrollment projections.

Advancement to Candidacy

Advancement to candidacy is attained by requesting a graduation check and receiving subsequent approval of the MAT-S faculty adviser and the MAT-S graduate program adviser on the Grad Check Review Form. This form is mailed to students by the University Graduate Studies Office.

Classified Standing

Students should achieve classified standing as soon as they are eligible. A student who meets the admission standards needs to develop a study plan in consultation with the MAT-S faculty adviser and MAT-S graduate program adviser before nine units of degree coursework has been completed. Classified standing will be granted once the study plan has been reviewed and approved by the MAT-S faculty and the Associate Vice President, Graduate Programs and Research.

Students will be notified by the Graduate Studies Office when the study plan is approved and classified standing is granted. Once the study plan is approved, changes can be made only with the approval of the MAT-S faculty adviser and the MAT-S graduate program adviser.

Study plan

The degree program consists of upper-division or graduate coursework, of which at least half must be 500-level, and be completed with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students will choose one of the following tracks:

  1. Secondary Track - 15 units will be in the sciences and other departments, in upper-division and graduate courses. At least nine units will be taken in one of the following: biology, chemistry, computer science, geological sciences or physics; or
  2. Elementary Track - 15 units in upper-division and graduate courses. Electives will be chosen from biology, chemistry, computer science, geological sciences, physics or science education.

Students must also complete the following 15 units:

Independent Graduate Research (3 units)

For further information and advisement, consult the graduate program adviser.

Total (30 units)