Admission to Graduate Standing - Conditionally Classified
Students must meet the CSU requirements for admission to a master’s degree program. Please consult the Graduate Admissions section in this catalog for complete information.
Candidates will need a B.A. with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in Spanish, consisting of at least 24 units (or equivalent) of upper-division studies. A candidate presenting a bachelor of arts that has fewer than 24 upper-division units in the language, or whose background is otherwise inadequate, will be required to take additional courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0 to build a full undergraduate major before beginning the graduate program. The student must demonstrate proficiency in English, passing MLNG 301 or equivalent with a “C” (2.0) or better.
Satisfactory evaluation of language proficiency by committee is also required. Adaptations of certain admission requirements may be made for promising foreign students.
Graduate Standing - Classified
A student who meets the requirements for conditionally classified graduate standing is eligible for classified graduate standing upon the development of an approved study plan, which should be done in consultation with the graduate adviser prior to the completion of nine graduate units.
Chicana/Chicano Studies Concentration (12 units)
The Chicana/Chicano Studies Concentration is for students seeking to pursue a graduate-level education in the field, and prepare those who intend to continue on pursuing careers related the the Chicana and Chicano community. Students will deepen their understanding and analysis of Chicana and Chicano cultural production, literary production and linguistic characteristics.
Comprehensive Exams
All students are required to complete a reading list. Upon completion of all requirements, a final evaluation by a comprehensive written examination must be taken to demonstrate mastery of the fields. The examination consists of three separate tests: Linguistics, Peninsular Literature and Spanish-American Literature. A student who fails one test of the written examination will have the option of retaking the failed part, but only one time through another written examination. The graduate committee may administer a supplemental oral examination if it deems it appropriate. If the candidate fails all or any two parts of the examination, the entire process must be repeated. The candidate may, with the approval of the graduate committee, repeat the examination, but only once within two years.