2013-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women and Gender Studies Program
Return to: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Program Coordinator
Rebecca Dolhinow
Program Office/Website
Humanities 214
Renae Bredin, Rebecca Dolhinow, Donna Nicol, Karyl Ketchum
Women and Gender Studies emphasizes the study of gender-based movements, gendered experience, research, analysis and theory, from a women-centered perspective, as subjects and as researchers. Core courses incorporate information technologies and community service learning experiences that offer students opportunities to develop essential skills and civic commitments. Students develop links to the community and to businesses and professional sites where they have opportunities to apply and evaluate the research, methods and theories that they are studying.
Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes
The following learning goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a degree in Women and Gender Studies:
Theoretical Knowledge
- Articulate and critique multiple theoretical frameworks
- Integrate historical and contemporary knowledge of women’s movements globally and in the U.S. into an analysis of gender issues
- Understand and apply feminist epistemology and research methods demonstrated through independent research using standard English grammar and coherent written organization
Critical Thinking
- Analyze and evaluate texts and ideas in both oral and written modalities
- Demonstrate leadership skills by organizing and implementing projects
Programs and Courses Offered
ProgramsBachelor of ArtsNon-DegreeCoursesWomen and Gender Studies
Courses are designated as WMST in the class schedule.
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