Mar 10, 2025  
2013-2015 University Catalog 
2013-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Modern Languages and Literatures, Department of


Department Chair

Reyes Fidalgo

Department Office/Website

Humanities 835A


Nathan Carr, Fanny Daubigny, Hélène Domon, Janet Eyring, Reyes Fidalgo, Juan Carlos Gallego, Josefina Hess, James Hussar, Juan Ishikawa, Eric Lief, Jinghui Liu, C. George Peale, Sandra Pérez-Linggi, Setsue Shibata, Pilar Valero-Costa, Lydia Vélez, Kazuha Watanabe, Cheryl Zimmerman.


The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures is a diverse department that offers coursework from a multidisciplinary perspective in the languages, cultures, linguistics and literatures of a wide variety of world groups and populations. Our goal is to provide students with a strong humanistic foundation that will allow them to have successful careers in an ever-changing global community.

In learning other languages, we also gain insights into the thinking of other cultures (often very different from our own) that afford us the perspective necessary to critically examine our own cultural values.

Our programs are designed for those who wish to pursue more advanced studies of language and literature, as well as for the growing number of individuals who will find ability to communicate in other languages and sensitivity to other cultures important components in career preparation in the United States and abroad. They are designed for those planning careers in education, government, social services, translation and interpretation services, assessment, literature, the expanding areas of international business, diplomacy, travel, humanitarian and cultural organizations.

We strive to deepen students’ knowledge about language and the humanities through various means-reading representative authors in their respective literatures, familiarizing students with the cultural traditions of the peoples whose language they study, and expanding students’ knowledge of linguistics and socio-cultural contexts.

In addition to our degree and certificate programs, we offer coursework in Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Korean, Latin, Persian and Vietnamese.

Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Modern Languages and Literatures

The following goal and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in French, Japanese and Spanish:

Linguistic and Literary Analysis

  • Understand language as a system and as a tool for communication
  • Recognize discrete language segments
  • Distinguish synchronic and diachronic factors of language variation and the catalysts behind such changes
  • Interpret and distinguish literary works
  • Identify the salient characteristics of different literary genres
  • Incorporate literary terms appropriately into textual analysis
  • Explain the socio-historical context of literary works

Cultural Awareness

  • Understand the historical and cultural roles of the French/ Japanese/Hispanic countries and peoples in a global context
  • Identify past and current regional trends in the French/Japanese/ Hispanic world, as well as their implications

Academic Dialogue

  • Synthesize critic’s ideas
  • Distinguish between varying perspectives
  • Formulate sound arguments and support them with appropriate evidence
  • Demonstrate appropriate written and oral expression in the target language

Language Proficiency

  • Communicate effectively and in a culturally appropriate manner in oral and written form in a variety of social and professional circumstances


The following goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a degree in TESOL:

Achieve personal, civic, educational and career goals

  • Understand and know the nature of language, English language systems, language learning and language in culture
  • Can effectively plan and sequence English as a Second (ESL) or English as Foreign Language (EFL) instruction in the school setting based on their knowledge of culture, sociolinguistics, pedagogy, second language acquisition, assessment and curriculum
  • Prepared for careers as teachers or resource specialists in the field of teaching ESL or EFL and have specializations in such areas as culture and language, testing and research, and professional education

Develop the habit of intellectual inquiry and communicate effectively

  • Aware of philosophical and research foundations of second language acquisition and pedagogy
  • Demonstrate English spoken and written language proficiency at a level commensurate with role as language models
  • Studied at least two years of one foreign language or one year each of two different languages or possess the equivalent knowledge and skill
  • Make judicious use of instructional resources and teaching `strategies
  • Use problem-solving and critical thinking in analyzing ESL/EFL instructional settings and materials with awareness of relevant language policy issues
  • Self-directed learners who are able to demonstrate, articulate, reflect upon and evaluate what they have learned
  • Can read and interpret research findings in the field

Use state-of-the-art technology

  • Understand the importance of equitable access to state-of-the-art technology and use of technology to enhance professional growth
  • Know how to integrate advances in information technology (such as e-mail, internet, and database research) in their teaching and research
  •  Plan purposeful learning activities for students which incorporate multi-media resources and equipment

Work effectively in multicultural environments

  • Aware of and value the cultures of English-speaking peoples as well as other diverse cultures
  • Intellectually sensitive and draw on the values, backgrounds, prior knowledge and interests of their diverse student populations
  • Competent professionals who apply theoretical and methodological training to educational settings in the U.S. and abroad
  • Hold a global perspective which seeks to uphold and safeguard human dignity

Work effectively in collaborative settings

  • Participate in faculty/student activities, research and instructional programs
  • Participate in cross-unit collaborations on campus and in the community through tutoring programs, writing programs, learning resource centers, intensive language programs, and community-based centers

Language Concentration for International Business

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures offers language concentrations in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. This component of the B.A. in International Business consists of 15 units of upper-division language study (including an internship). These courses, as well as the prerequisites, must be completed with a “C” (2.0) or better. For description of the international business program, please see the “International Business ” section of this catalog.

Upper-Division Writing Requirement

MLNG 301  satisfies the course portion of the upper-division writing requirement for all modern language majors.

Academic Standards Requirement

Each course counted to fulfill requirements for the major or minor must be completed with a “C” (2.0) or better.

Advanced Placement

Students should enroll at the point in the sequence of courses for which their previous study and/or experience has prepared them. Students with no language background should enroll in fundamental 101-level courses. Normally, two years of high school language study are considered to be equivalent to one year of college language. Students just completing two years of high school language should begin at 200-level intermediate courses.

Courses at the 101 level are not open to students who have completed two or more years of high school study or one term of college study in that language unless such study was completed three years or more before entering the class. Courses at the 102 level are not open to students who have completed two or more years of high school study or two terms of college study in that language unless such study was completed two years or more before entering the class. Language courses at the 100 level are not open to native speakers of that language.

Due to the sequential nature of language instruction, consultation with an adviser in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures is essential before enrolling in courses.

International Baccalaureate Program

Students entering the university with the International Baccalaureate shall request an oral interview with two instructors of the target language. Subject to their recommendation, the following credit may be awarded:

Students with the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Language Exam with a grade of four or better will have lowerdivision requirements waived, and upon recommendation will receive three to 12 units of upper-division language credit.

Students with the International Baccalaureate Subsidiary Level Language B Exam with a grade of four or better will have lowerdivision requirements waived, and upon recommendation will receive up to six units of upper-division language credit. If no upper-division units are recommended, a minimum of six units of 200-level credit will be awarded.

Programs and Courses Offered

Business Language Concentrations:


    Bachelor of ArtsMaster of ScienceMaster of ArtsNon-DegreeCertificate


      Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

      Courses are designated as TESL in the class schedule


      Courses are designated VIET in the class schedule.

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