Mar 10, 2025  
2013-2015 University Catalog 
2013-2015 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Educational Leadership, Department of


Department Chair

Jennifer Goldstein

Department Office/Website

College Park 520


Louise Adler, Leigh Barton, Meri Beckham, Daniel Choi, Ding-Jo Currie, Eugene Fujimoto, Jennifer Goldstein, John Hoffman, Pamela Houston, Jerome Hunter, Joyce Lee, Carol Lundberg, Ron Oliver, Dawn Person

Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Educational Administration

The following goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a master’s degree in Educational Administration:

Strategic Leadership

  • Ability to develop with others vision and purpose, utilize information, frame problems, exercise leadership processes to achieve common goals and act ethically for educational communities1
  • Promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community2
  • Promote the success of all students by modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity2

Instructional Leadership

  • Ability to design appropriate curricula and instructional programs, develop learnercentered school cultures, assess outcomes, provide student personnel services and plan with faculty professional development activities aimed at improving instruction1
  • Promote the success of all students by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth2

Organizational Leadership

  • Ability to understand, initiate and/or improve the organization, implement operational plans, manage financial resources and apply effective management processes and procedures1
  • Promote the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment2

Political Leadership

  • Ability to act in accordance with legal provisions and statutory requirements, to apply regulatory standards, develop and apply appropriate policies, understand and act professionally regarding the ethical implications of policy initiatives and political actions, relate public policy initiatives to student welfare, understand schools as political systems1
  • Promote the success of all students by understanding, responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context2

Community Leadership

  • Collaborate with parents and community members; work with community agencies, foundations and the private sector; respond to community interests and needs in performing administrative responsibilities; develop effective staff communications and public relations programs; and act as mediators for the various groups and individuals who are part of the school community
  • Promote the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources2

1 NCATE-Approved Curriculum Guidelines for Advance Program in Educational Leadership 1995.
2 California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2004.

Higher Education

The following goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a master’s degree in Higher Education:


  • Ability to apply fundamental leadership and organization theories along with core management skills to student affairs practice as reflected in case study analysis, as well as in practicum and fieldwork experiences

Social Justice and Advocacy

  • Ability to draw upon a deepened understanding of their own cultures, the cultures and characteristics of college students, and institutional structures in order to develop educational programs that promote educational access and success for all students, especially those from historically underrepresented populations of students


  • Ability to draw upon an analysis and evaluation of the historical and philosophical foundations of the student affairs profession, as well as major student development theories in order to develop educational programs that promote student development and learning

Assessment and Evaluation

  • Ability to demonstrate their understanding of student affairs scholarship in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of current research, who can design processes to assess student learning and development in the cocurriculum, and who can plan and implement formative and summative program evaluations and research projects

Personal Development

  • Ability to articulate a clear philosophy of student affairs, and who systematically draw upon personal reflection regarding their strengths and weaknesses, as well as upon feedback from mentors to enhance their personal and professional development

Educational Leadership

The following goals and learning outcomes have been established for students pursuing a doctorate degree in Educational Leadership:

Experts in Educational Leadership

  • Possess a deep understanding of the complex nature of learning and teaching so that they are able to guide and assist instructional practice
  • Understand the needs of adult learners and can apply the theories found in the andragogy literature to the process of educational reform
  • Skilled users of techniques for forecasting, planning and managing change processes in education, including use of technology as a resource
  • Aware of cutting-edge technologies and how they can be used to enhance teaching, learning and leadership of the educational enterprise

Professionals Whose Practice is Informed by Scholarly Literature

  • Critique informal ideas about best practice on the basis of the literature
  • Have a sense of the limits of the literature, as to its applicability to the work of educational professionals, its fundamental validity and reliability, and as to questions of which groups are empowered or marginalized by what is implied in the literature
  • Foster and encourage best practices within their organizations based on critical analysis of scholarly literature
  • Develop with their colleagues and subordinates the ability to participate in communities of learning based on reflective practice and critique of the scholarly literature
  • Define, contrast and evaluate the multiple perspectives presented in the scholarly literature regarding education
  • Critique proposals for research and/or program implementation
  • Broker consultants and researchers in pursuit of organizational goals, independently assessing organizational needs and matching consultant/researcher skills and proposals to those needs

Reflective Practitioners

  • Professional experience is systematically engaged, compared and critiqued in classroom and other learning experiences
  • Professional experience will be brought to bear on the areas of their study, finding relevance and application for principles derived from the literature

Critical Thinkers

  • Thinking is probabilistic, recognizing the indeterminacy of educational and social contexts
  • Professional thinking is marked by hypothetical reasoning, meaning that conclusions are remorselessly yet robustly tentative, open to falsification on the basis of new valid and reliable data
  • Exhibit a bias for evidence in decision-making, preferring strongly evidence that is systematic and gathered from multiple sources and via sound means of collection, which are tested against the scholarly literature and the realities of changing circumstances

Change Agents

  • Knowledge of research enables them to interpret findings, make judicious applications of research and advise others in policy positions
  • Able to undertake first-hand investigations of local problems using applied research and appropriate methods for generating valid and reliable results
  • Able to select applied research that addresses significant questions and ground it within the general framework of the scholarly literature
  • Use research results and a sophisticated understanding of organizational structures, cultures and institutional networks to foster positive reform efforts within their organizations and across educational institutions

Self-Aware and Ethical Professionals

  • Seek contexts and means for professional life-long learning and connections with scholarly literature
  • Demand sophisticated feedback on their own performance and that of others, informed by scholarly understandings
  • Understand that education is embedded in a network of social and political structures that can be influenced and also will exert powerful influences on the educational process at all levels
  • Understand and support the ethical expectations of the education profession and strive to make their professional practice serve the needs of students and the community

Professionals Who Value Diversity

  • Understand how their life histories shapes their views about the literature, organizations and groups, and understand how to create collaborative environments that welcome and serve diverse members-cultural/linguistic diversity, gender, able-ness and age-span differences
  • Work to shape learning communities at their sites that are more humane and responsive to all students and are open to the wider community

Policies of the Department

Candidates for our programs will be selected on the basis of leadership potential and commitment to the improvement of education and will engage in a rigorous course of study.

The courses offered by the department are arranged in a specific order, which must be followed by all students. Cohorts of students are formed and move through the courses as a group.

Administrative Services Credential

The Administrative Services Credential programs of the Department of Educational Leadership are approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Because regulations governing these programs change, students should contact the department office for current information and requirements.

Credential Requirements

Students who wish to apply for credential programs must complete a separate applicant portfolio. The requirements and information are available at

Students applying for the Preliminary Administrative Credential Program are required to have three years teaching experience when entering the program. Waiver requests for 1-2 years of experience are considered for those starting a second career or under unusual circumstances.

The minimum GPA required to be recommended for a certificate of eligibility or a credential is an average of 3.0 for all classes taken in the credential program

Preliminary Credential

The Preliminary Administrative Services Certificate/Credential is the “Tier I” administrative credential in California, requiring a total of 24 units of work (which may be incorporated into the master’s degree program). Upon receipt of the Preliminary credential, one is eligible for employment as an administrator in California public schools. A master’s degree is required for California State University to recommend a candidate for this credential.

Professional Credential

The Professional Administrative Services Credential is the “Tier II” administrative credential.

Candidates with strong administrative experience and a strong professional portfolio can complete the online Demonstration of Mastery Program at CSUF in one semester. Candidates must hold a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and have completed an accredited Preliminary Administrative Credential Program.

Students enrolled in the Ed.D. program may complete the professional credential through an embedded standards-based program. Holding a job as administrator and the Preliminary Credential are prerequisites to entry to the program for the Professional Credential.

Programs and Courses Offered


    Master of ScienceDoctor of EducationCertificate



      Courses are designated as EDD in the class schedule.

      Educational Administration

      Courses are designated as EDAD in the class schedule. Students who desire only isolated courses from the M.S. amd Ed.D programs are normally denied admission to such courses.